Tuesday, December 27, 2011

* Christopher Hitchens -- God is not Great
* Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion
* Daniel C. Dennett -- Breaking the Spell
* Sam Harris -- The End of Faith

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dr. King — who once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?"
Hermoso TED Talk http://ping.fm/2TbqG

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

El problema con los yacimientos fracturados, o la tipica pregunta de "que puede salir mal ?" http://ping.fm/6AOSz

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Democracia etimologicamente significa gobierno del pueblo (según Wikipedia). Es decir, por definición, la Democracia no puede ser indirecta, por lo que NO vivimos en Democracia. Por suerte se esta avanzando hacia una Democracia directa en otras partes del mundo http://ping.fm/cxxqJ
La produccion a bajo costo le esta costando el futuro a China http://ping.fm/lq4Ie

Friday, November 04, 2011

Para los que como yo quieren estudiar en el MIT pero no lo pueden pagar, los cursos gratis del MIT online http://ping.fm/G6wwA

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cuantos años de corporación tiene el escritor de Dilbert... http://ping.fm/UPqSB

Monday, October 03, 2011

Interesante lista de aplicaciones para nitendo DS NDS http://www.taringa.net/posts/links/4307639/Exprime-tu-Nintendo-DS-_Todo-lo-que-puede-haber_.html

Friday, September 02, 2011

El Gobierno sacrificó la Internet móvil para tener más TV digital ( http://ping.fm/40IlF )

Lo terrible es que el gobierno no entiende el valor del espectro radioelectrico ( http://ping.fm/qmgSW ).

Si en lugar de darle esas frecuencias a las universidades, si licita a las operadoras, se recauda tanta plata que se puede brindar Internet gratuita por Wi-Fi en muchos más lugares y las Universidades pueden distribuir sus programas de televisión por IP, llegando a mucha más gente por mucha menos plata.

Para peor, al no usar una norma de mucho volumen para TV digital, cada conversor cuesta 800 pesos ( http://ping.fm/rr6c6 ), en lugar de 40 USD como en USA ( http://ping.fm/gROpI ).

Por mas que tengan buenos asesores, si la soberbia no deja escuchar, las decisiones siempre son malas. Como dice Al Pacino en el final de la pelicula "El abogado del Diabo": "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin" ( http://ping.fm/9hc4u )

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Curso de meditacion el Google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nwwKbM_vJc&feature=player_embedded

Pulbicidad de curso de PNL este viernes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjc5qjRFUug

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Impresionante como le pegan a los CIOs de las corporaciones en el video de esta empresa http://meraki.com/

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Impresionante el Ted Talk de Patricia Kuhl

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another SAP project delayed http://ping.fm/N3fUJ
Another reason why Intellectual Property is out of control. Microsoft makes more money from suing Andorid cellphone makers than from Windows Mobile 7. ( http://ping.fm/65FNi )

Monday, June 06, 2011

Entrenamiento de ventas
Segun ( http://www.ieco.clarin.com/economia/Faltan-inversores-cabeza-fria_0_493750875.html ) Grupo Financiero Galicia y el Banco Rio constituyen claras oportunidades de inversión.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Libros en PDF gratis:

The National Academies Press Makes All PDF Books Free to Download;
More Than 4,000 Titles Now Available Free to All Readers



Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Como decía Platón:
El precio que los hombres buenos pagan por la indiferencia con respecto a los asuntos públicos es el de ser gobernados por los hombres malvados.

Monday, May 09, 2011

How to edit PDF in OpenOffice http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport
Mister Dany magia por radio

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Como pensar un futuro autosustentable y de más riqueza http://www.ted.com/talks/michael_pawlyn_using_nature_s_genius_in_architecture.html

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids [Paperback]
Michelle Garcia Winner (Author), Pamela Crooke (Author), Kelly Knopp (Illustrator)

Friday, April 15, 2011

1. Blog your progress. Whatever you did today, blog it. Let people know what you did that worked, or what was faster (Nginx vs. Apache), or what wasn't (ColdFusion?). Don't reinvent the wheel, use WordPress [wordpress.org], regardless of whether you like PHP/MySQL or not.

2. Use a subscription/payment management company. You're just a small group of nerds, not accounts receivable clerks. Fastspring [fastspring.com], Plimus [plimus.com] are free; Chargify [chargify.com], Subsify [subsify.com], Cheddar Getter [cheddargetter.com], BrainTree [braintreep...utions.com], Spreedly [spreedly.com] charge; and Zuora [zuora.com] is expensive.

3. Use Google Docs [google.com] and Slideshare [slideshare.net] to share documents.

4. Chat. Don't just rely on email. Emails can often read like "this way or the highway". Be collaborative. You can often accomplish more with 15-30min collaboratively as opposed to composing and responding to long emails. Skype [skype.com], Jabber [jabber.org], SIP [wikipedia.org]

5. Take notes on what you did. Made a server configuration or a setting change in your CMS, your compiler, or whatever? Copy and paste from xterm so you don't have to guess about those commandline switches next time. Take screenshots and make them available to others. Zim [zim-wiki.org], Projly [projly.com], DokuWiki [dokuwiki.org].

6. Have a phone numbers. If not bog-standard landline phones, take advantage of Google Voice [google.com] and SkypeOut and SkypeIn (people can call your Skype line on a normal phone number). I realize Google Voice might not be available in South Africa yet.

7. Someone mentioned version control. Use git [git-scm.com] if you're a cool kid. Or svn [tigris.org] if you're old and busted. Read the RedBean book [red-bean.com]. I've had success in having non-tech colleagues using graphical clients like TortoiseSVN [tigris.org] (integrates into Windows Explorer).

8. Write tests. Any member of your team, sitting anyplace, should be able to push a button and run all your tests. Tests document how you're supposed to use a given method, class, etc., especially valuable when you're so far flung. Use JUnit [junit.org], PHPUnit [github.com], FooUnit for your language. Write the tests before you develop, and you're doing Test Driven Development [c2.com].

9. If you're writing tests, that implies loose coupling [thesoftwar...tional.com], which might require dependency injection [potencier.org]. Can be difficult to climb that mountain, but it's worth it when you can just run a test and be sure your project works.

10. Development processes: Scrum [wikipedia.org], Extreme Programming [extremeprogramming.org]. UML [uml.org] lets you communicate graphically about objects.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

PNL de tercera generacion

Monday, April 04, 2011

Auto que se maneja solo


Monday, February 21, 2011

Para quitar el sarro del agua http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suavizador_de_agua

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Interesante formas de conseguir unos mangos extras si tenes tiempo:

Sell a Wacky Service
For those interested in a more unusual approach, the innovative website fiverr.com allows users to sell (and buy) services for $5. Current offerings include sketching a stylized portrait, writing a name on a grain of rice, and digitally restoring a photograph. It's one of the trendiest ways to make a quick buck for the internet-savvy; dozens of videos, websites, and blogs offer advice on how best to earn money off the site. The best advice? Since you're only going to make $5 a pop, sell a service that you can do easily and quickly.

Talk and Teach
Colleges, organizations, and companies are constantly on the lookout for new experts that can inspire an audience. If you've built up an expertise on a subject, perhaps through your blog, then consider branching out with some speaking gigs. Offer to talk for free at first to build up your reputation, and then a speakers' bureau can help connect you to paying gigs (for a cut of your fee).

[Resolutions That Will Save You Money]

Design T-Shirts
Companies such as CafePress.com allow people to design and sell their T-shirts for a cut of the profits. According to the company's website, some users earn over $100,000 a year. But it's not always easy: Jen Goode, who earns enough through CafePress to pay her mortgage each month, found success after a year and a half of long, sometimes 16-hour days. Her time is spent creating designs and then uploading them. She has uploaded about 2,500 designs, many of which are cartoon oriented, including the popular penguin series. For her, she says, the secret has been to make many different images that are steady sellers, as opposed to creating one or two megahits. Now, she says she doesn't need to put as much time into her shop because she has such a large inventory of designs.

Sacado del articlo http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/111747/ways-to-make-extra-money-in-2011?mod=oneclick