Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Otra linda forma de hacer backup entre plataformas
If I have seen further it is by stealing the Intellectual Property of giants.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Una persona interesante de la que nunca había escuchado nada, pero me parece más que relevante lo que he logrado leer de

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Como nos equivocamos al buscar la felicidad.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

En lugar de MatLab usar Octave
Security essentials is free for business, so replace AVG with that: []

7Zip is free and OSS. Replace Winzip with that. Heck, XP has its own zip handler installed. A lot of techies assumed that XP needs a zip program because 2000 didnt have one. Get rid of it. []

PDFCreator is free and OSS. It can make PDFs. Most people just need to make them, not 'edit' them. []

Friday, December 18, 2009

Para compara camaras digitales,
La Nikon D5000 esta muy bien en precio/performance.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laptop batteries all use a standard cell which is slightly larger than AA. What you need are unprotected 18650 Li-Ion cells. You can find made in China cells for $3/ea from places like DealExtreme.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Como controlar la velocidad del CPU

Saturday, December 12, 2009

$860 Million In Fines Handed Out For LCD Price-Fixing

Como decía mi amigo Luis Barrionuevo, la plata no se hace trabajando.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Ya estamos todos locos... dos días preso por un video de 4 minutos del cumpleaños del hijo donde aparece una peli de fondo...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Physicist Tim Garret is correct when he observes "that conserving energy doesn't reduce energy use, but spurs economic growth and more energy use".

Monday, November 30, 2009

No busco más la juventud eterna, ahora me conformo con la inmadurez de por vida.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Otro ejemplo de porque la guerra es antinatural, según Orwell "
El segundo momento tuvo lugar mientras formaba parte de las milicias extranjeras que pelearon junto a los republicanos, durante la Guerra Civil española. Una mañana, se encontraba dentro de una trinchera, en las afueras de Huesca. De repente, frente a él, un enemigo echó a correr semidesnudo, tomándose los pantalones con ambas manos, a lo largo de un campo yermo. A pesar de ser un blanco fácil, Orwell se abstuvo de tirar. "Había viajado hasta allí –dice– para disparar contra los 'fascistas', pero un hombre que se sujeta los pantalones no es un 'fascista', sino evidentemente un congénere, un semejante.""
Valgan como muestra dos momentos –dos disparos– narrados en este libro. El primero está recogido en el extraordinario ensayo que le da título y acontece cuando Orwell se desempeñaba como comisario imperial en Birmania. En una ocasión, un elefante de los que se usaban para transporte de cargas sufrió un ataque de locura. A los destrozos provocados en un poblado rural, se le sumó la muerte de un nativo. Orwell fue llamado para restablecer el orden satisfaciendo el reclamo de la población que exigía la muerte del animal. Pero he aquí que cuando lo encontró, el elefante, ya sosegado, se mostraba tan pacífico como una vaca. No obstante, él se vio obligado a disparar para no quedar como un idiota frente a la multitud. Esa actitud lo hizo reflexionar: "fue en ese momento, allí de pie con el rifle en las manos, cuando por primera vez capté la vacuidad del dominio del hombre blanco en Oriente (...) en realidad no era más que una marioneta manejada por la voluntad de aquellos rostros aceitunados que tenía a mis espaldas. Comprendí entonces que cuando el hombre blanco se vuelve un tirano, es su propia libertad lo que destruye".

Monday, November 16, 2009

Software para generar fractales piola

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cuento de 5 hojas que puede ser interesante para leer "El Pozo" de Juan Carlos Onetti.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sobre los datacenters 2

I am the Director of Operations for our DC. When we give tours, I explain the following (pseudo order of the tour):

- Begin with the history of the building, when it was built (1995), why it was build (result of Andrew in 1992), and how it is constructed (twin T, poured tilt wall).

- Take you through the gen room, show you it is internal to the building, show you the roofing structure from the inside, explain the N+1 redundancy, the hours on the gens, when they are ready for maintenance, how they are maintained, by whom (the vendor), how the diesel is stored, supplied, duration of fuel at max and current loads. Explain conduct before a hurricane or lockdown, how we go off grid 24hours ahead of a storm, mention our various contracts for after storm refill and our straining / refill schedule.
- Take you to the switch gear room, explain the dual feeds from the power company, how the switch gear works, show you the three main bus breakers, show you the numerous other breakers for various sub panels, etc. Explain and show you the spare breakers we have in case replacement is needed.
- Take you to the cooling tower area, explain the piping, the amount of water flowing, the number of pumps, how many are needed, the switching schedule, explain the N+1 capacity and overall capability of the towers, explain maintenance, show you the replacement pumps in stock, explain the concept of condensed water cooling if needed.
- Take you through the UPS and battery rooms, explain the needed KW capacity, what the UPSs back up and what they do not. Show the various distribution breakers out to floor, their capacity, the static switches, bypass, explain the battery capacity, type of cells, number of cells, number of strings, last time the jars were replaced and how they are maintained. Explain max capacity of the load vs time. Answer questions relevant to switching from utility->UPS->generator and back.

Raised floor:
- Take walk on raised floor, explain connectivity, vendors, path diversity we have, how the circuits are protected. Show them network gear, dual everything, how we protect from a LAN or WAN outage, and specific network devices we have for DDoS, Load Balancing, Distribution, Aggregation. Explain how telco and others deliver DS0 to OC-12 capacity, offer information on cross connections regarding copper, fiber, coax. Explain our offerings (dedicated servers up to 5K sq ft cages) and ask what they are interested in.
- Explain below the floor, size of raise, that power and network is delivered under, what are on level one trays, level two trays, and the piping for cooling. Show the PDU units and how they related to the breakers in the previous rooms. Show them the cooling panel and leads out to CRAC units, explain the cooling capacity, plans for future cooling, explain hot/cold aisle fundamentals, and temperature goals. At this point, there are usually more questions about vented tiles, power types available and overall floor density in watts/sq ft.
- Explain the fire detection / mitigation system, monitoring of PDU's, CRAC units, and FM200. Explain the maintenance of the fire system, show them the fire marshal inspection logs and the panels that alert the police and fire departments (both on floor and in our security office in front).
- While finishing the walk on the floor, show cameras, explain process to bring in and remove equipment, tell them the retention on the video, explain the rounds the guards make, the access list updates and changes.

- At this point we're back to the front of the building, go into the NOC, explain what we are monitoring (connectivity, weather, scheduled jobs, etc). Introduce NOC and security staff, explain they will always get a person if they call, submit a test ticket from a e-mail on my phone, they will see the alerts light up and the pager for the NOC will signal. The final steps are to introduce them to security and then I'll lead the customer(s) to the conference room so they can continue the conversation with the sales associate.

The sales person is normally with us. During the tour we will explain our SAS certifications and disclose any other NDA information. I see two types of tours, the first is the discovery tour, which is when a company or government entity is on a fact finding mission to see if we are close to their needs, then they talk with the SA. The other type (more common) are the tours taken after the agreement has been worked out and this is the final "sales" procedure. Our facility really sells itself. Once on tour, most sign up (if they are serious) within 24 hours. I probably missed a few things, so if you want me to follow up I can. For me, everything I present are things the customer NEEDS to know before installing in my building.
Sobre los datacenters:

- Raised floor is certainly important, and a given. Check
- Cable management above AND below the floor. This is not an either-or... Check
- Cooling capacity is hard to judge, should be scalable. Redundancy is often overlooked but is often even more important that capacity... Check
- Power quality: never seen a big datacenter without a Liebert, or at least UPS in every rack. Power does not have the be contitioned except between the UPS and the machines/devices. A whole data center power conditioner is often more efficient, but unnecessary for the little guys. either way - check.
- Age is irrelevent as long as it's under support. If it's not, replace it. Generators need to be run several times a year to validate their condition, and also to grease the innards... See too many good generators get kicked on and fail an hour later because the oil hand't been changed in 3 years....
- Outages should be tracked, by system, rack row, and power distro. When system seem to be going down more frequently in one area, there's usually an underlying reason... As Google recently proved as well for us all, do not ASSUME all is well, routine disgnostics including memory scans should be performed on ALL hardware. Even ECC RAM deteriorates with age (rapidly) and needs to be part of a maintenance testing and replacement policy - Check.
- Fire suppression is usually part of your building codes, and a given, as is the routine checks (at least anually) by law.

In addition, we deploy:
- Man traps on all enterences to data centers. You go in one door, it closes, then you authenticate to a second door. A pressure plate ensures only one person goes in/out at a time (and it it's tripped, a scurity guy looking at a screen has to override).
- Full 24x7 video surveilance of the data centers.
- in/out logs for all equipment. To take a device in/out of a datacenter requires it being logged in a book (by a designated person). This is for anything the size of a disk/tape and larger. All drive bays are audited nightly by security and if drives go missing, security reviews the access logs and server room security footage to see who might have taken them.
- clear and consistent labeling systems for rack, shelves, cables and systems.
- pre-cable just about everything to row level redundant switches, and have no cabling from server to other servers not passed through a rack/row switch first. Row switches connect to distro switches. This ensures cabling is simple, and predictable.
- Colorcoded cabling: we use 1 color for redundant cabling (indicating their should be 2 of these connected to the server at all times, and to seperate cards in the backplane and seperate switches to boot), a seperate color for generic gigabit connections, another color for DS View, another color the out management network(s), another color for heartbeat cables, and yet another for non-ethernet (T1/PRI/etc). Other colors are used in some areas to designate 100m connections, special connectivity, or security enclave barriers, and non-fiber switch-to-switch connections. Every cable is labled at both ends and every 6-8 feet inbetween.
- FULLY REDUNDANT POWER. It's not enough to have clean poewr, and good UPS and a generator. In a large datacenter (more than a few rows, or anything truly mission critical), you should have 2 seperate power companies, 2 seperate generators, and 2 fully segregated power systems at the datcenter, room, row, and rack levels. in each datacenter we use 2 Liebert mains, each row has a seperate distribution unit connected to a differnt main, and each rack has 4 PDUs (2 to each distro). Every server is connected to 2 seperat PDUs, run all the way back to 2 completely independent power grids. For a deployment of 50 servers or so this is big time overkill. We have over 3500 servers, we need this... We can not rely on a PSU failure taking out racks at a time which may server dozens of other systems each.
There is no contest in life for which the unprepared have the advantage.

Monday, November 09, 2009

In this mail I wanted to summarize some of the capabilities and features OpenSolaris offers for networking, including both, physical and virtual networking.

- I'll start with Crossbow ( Crossbow is the basis for network virtualization and resource control in OpenSolaris. It allows you to create virtual NICs to be used either by a networking service (HTTP, FTP, and others) or by virtual machines (Zones, VirtualBox...). Each of those vNICs has it's own priority and assigned bandwidth in order to guarantee QoS (via Flows) and prevent DoS by isolating the effect of any attack to just one vNIC and not the physical device. Crossbow also allows you to create a virtual switch connecting the vNICs, so you could create a complete virtual network inside OpenSolaris (called vWire). A GUI to build and test the network-in-a-box has been released and while it is at alpha quality at the time, it works nicely for demoing and testing: . Also of interest, after the inclusion of Crossbow in OSol, similar solutions have been announced for inclusion in FreeBSD ( by Blue Coat and in Linux ( by Citrix, proving how OpenSolaris is once again ahead of the competition.

- Recently, the Integrated Load Balancer (ILB: has also been added to OSol (, adding L3/L4 (transport and network layers) load balancing to the OS by default.

- Project Clearview ( includes components such as re-designed IP tunneling and IP Multipathing (IPMP) for better behavior and observability of the networking devices. The final component of Clearview (IP Tunneling DD) were integrated in Nevada build 125 (

- Integrated Quagga (, IP Filter (, and IPSec (for network routing, firewall and packet authentication and encryption (including VPN tunneling). (

- And of course, DTrace can be used to debug networking problems (

It's important to remember that all of these capabilities can be used simultaneously, according to our needs. One example of this is the Virtual Network Router appliance project ( that combines Crossbow, Quagga and Zones (and all managed trough Webmin: to create an integrated edge-router, to separate intranet traffic from internet traffic.

For further reading, you can visit these links:
check the attached presentation, and also, check the Storage Projects for information on different connectivity options that OSol offers (pNFS, NFS, FC, IB, iSCSI among others):
"Según el analista, al ser VMware el único jugador de ese mercado por bastante tiempo, el precio era muy alto para las pequeñas empresas" según Gartner

Se lo merecen por usar softwares pagos en lugar de alternativas gratuitas y de códgio abierto como VirtualBox.
Pride is the biggest obstacle for science.
I like paying taxes. With them I buy civilization.
Innovation makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old regime... -- Machiavelli

Friday, November 06, 2009

Alternativa a pagar cable de mala calidad:
MythTV, Boxee, Hauppage, Turtle Beach.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

# cat /dev/mem | strings | grep -i llama
Damn, my RAM is full of llamas.

No se que es pero suena lindo.
Corolario de la famosa frase de Newton: "If I have seen further it is by stealing the Intellectual Property of giants." firma de Slashdot.
Reporte de gente que se vio forzada a realizar upgrades (pagos) de VMWARE:

Forced upgrades are fairly common, says Stone, but "it still chaps me no end. We're working with VMware, who decided to end-of-life their Enterprise license and make us go to Enterprise Plus for another $26,000 a year. Our options are to go down to Advanced, which doesn't have the features we want, pay the money to go with Plus, or convert to Hyper-V and put it on a Microsoft Server. We're seriously discussing the latter option and might just bite the bullet and switch.",4

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Distro de Linux con browser en 3MB de RAM.
Punto flotante es algo muy dificil de usar de forma correcta.

What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic []

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Interesante forma de phising

Cuidado con Asterix.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Solaris es el OS que mejor maneja las vulnerabilidades según IBM

Friday, October 16, 2009

Para la edición 40 aniversario de Z de Nissan, hay un modelo nueva bastante agradable, pero lo mejor es ver la edición 10 aniversario del original Datsun 280 de la saga Z, miren el video que está en imperdible la estética de esos años.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Claramente el derecho de autor el nivel ridículo de matar la innovación al que se ha llegado es algo preocupante. Nada mejor que una linda frase para cerrar la idea "I cannot think of a single significant innovation in either the creation or distribution of works of authorship that owes its origins to the copyright industries."

Monday, October 05, 2009

Una linda historia de un chabón que pudiendo llegar a CEO de SAP prefirió renunciar y hacer su propia empresa, aún bajo gran riesgo de fallar.

Claro que este tipo dice que prefirió arriesgarse a fallar en su emprendimiento a que ser exitoso en SAP porque ya tenia 100M U$D en el banco.

Como decía Nietzsche “No se piensa lo mismo en una choza que en un castillo”.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

About database scalability:

Abstract--A new n-tier database architecture is proposed. This approach transform the database scalability problem to logarithmic complexity, the cheapest possible.


To go behind the speed of one server database, there are two possible horizontal database architectures, but either one compromise scalability in one way or another.

The first approach uses n servers with the full database each (fig. 1).
___ ___ ___
|___| |___| |___| servers
| | . . n . . |
() () () full DB replica

This architecture is excellent for readings, just by adding a load balancer in the front you can scale to as many nodes as you need . This approach is very poor for writes. In order to perform a write, you have to lock the row you want to update in every server, thus ending with the same write performance of a single server plus the network latency overhead.
There is only one commercial DB that uses something similar to this approach, although it has only one disk-array for all the servers, but it has the same locking problem (although it uses shared memory for locking).

The second approach uses n servers with a different part of the DB each (fig. 2).
___ ___ ___
|___| |___| |___| servers
| | . . n . . |
() () () Tx: table x
T1 T2 Tn

In this case we solved the write problem (the lock is local to each server) but we add a read problem. In the event of a join query that read through all tables, the client need to know where each table is located and construct itself the final answer. All the others commercial DBs use this approach to scale beyond a single box. They usually use a hashing table located in each client to map tables to individual servers (usually you will need to split your biggest tables in multiple servers). The problem arises due to this hashing tables. It becomes real hard to maintain this tables up to date and optimized for each client, due to the temporal nature of the connections. And if an insert is performed to a splitted table, you need to publish this change to every client's hashing table, so they know which part of the table has the data they need.


To solve this problems, we introduce a small but significant difference. We transform the database to a n-tier architecture by adding several layers that construct the answer to the query the client created, avoiding the need of a hashing table at the client level (fig. 3).
|___| n-layer
/ \ intermediate
___ ___ servers
|___| |___|
/ \ \
___ ___ ___
|___| |___| |___| servers
| | . . n . . |
() () () Tx: table x
T1 T2 Tn

The top layer of the n-layer intermediate servers is composed of the servers that connect directly to the clients (a load balancer can be added on top of them). These servers need only to know how the tables have been mapped to the servers in the layer under them, not all the way down. This lower layer servers need only to know how the tables have been assigned to the servers in the layer under them and so on, up to the bottom DB servers that handle the requests.
With this approach we have an architecture similar to the parallel add (fig. 4)
|___| add unit
/ \
___ ___
|___| |___| add units
/ \ / \
2 3 6 8

This well-known parallel adder has logarithmic complexity. If we double the quantity of numbers we want to add, we will end with only one more layer (logarithmic growth). This is the desire property we added to the existing horizontal database architectures. We can double our computer power (duplicating the number of servers) and add the latency of only one more layer (logarithmic growth).


Due to single box performance problems it might be needed to split a bottom node (fig. 5). In this case, you start at first by adding two slaves (50/50 tables split) to the original node, thus it will became a master that construct the final answer using its individual slaves answers. We repeat this iteration until the performance bottleneck is gone. The same approach can be used to solve performance bottlenecks that can arise at one of the n-layers nodes (fig. 6), thus avoiding a network topology optimization (which, by the way is a NP problem). Every of the new slaves of the problematic n-layer node need to have full connection to every slave of the original n-layer node. The original n-layer node becomes a load balancer.

(fig. 5) Problematic node *
|___| n-layer
/ \ intermediate
___ ___ servers
|_*_| |___|
/ \ \
___ ___ ___
|___| |___| |___| servers
| | . . n . . |
() () () Tx: table x
T1 T2 Tn

(fig. 6) Problematic node splitted in three new nodes**

|___| n-layer
/ \ intermediate
___ ___ servers
|_**| |___|
/ \ \
___ ___ ___
|_**| |_**| |___| servers
| \ / | . . n . . |
___ ___ () Tx: table x
|___| |___| Tn
| |
() ()
T1 T2

In real big configurations, the publishing of the tables assignment con became a bottleneck itself. In those cases, the metadata information can be located into a smaller (will always have less entries than the main DB) n-tier DB, this new n-tier DB metadata can be located into a smaller n-tier DB as well and so on, until the publishing of the tables assignment is no longer a bottleneck.
As of today, a single server with 64 CPUs is several orders of magnitude more expensive than 64 one CPU servers. With a good implementation you can get a faster (although with a high initial latency) and cheaper solution through an n-tier DB architecture than with a single big server.
Availability is the main problem of this solution. One possible way to solve this is to create HA cluster pairs for each pairs of nodes. In the event a DB node fails, its partner assume its functionality. Notice that in this approach we don't need any stand-by server. Each node can assume the other node functionality plus its own, with a predictable performance degradation, until normal service is restored. This can be done at every level.


We introduced a new horizontal DB architecture that solves all scalability problems (massive updates, joins, etc.). It achieves this amazing property thanks to its n-tier, tree like, logarithmic complexity approach (similar to a parallel add).
By this work we wanted to provide the community with a way to move to the high-end corporate space. We feel that it's easy to add this n-tier architecture to any DB engine.

Recién termino de leer un reportaje a Victor Hugo ( ). Interesante cuando dice a quién habría votado desde el regreso de la democracia hasta ahora y coincido en todo. El único cambio tal vez es que en lugar de Alfonsin ahora de viejo hubiera preferido a Luder, simplemente porque tengo un recuerdo de una entrevista que le hicieron en la noticia rebelde y lo que mi débil memoria trae a colación fue humor de alto vuelo con un Luder superando a la elite de la comedia Argentina.

Después no se porque se me dió por poner en Google el nombre del entrevistador y encontré la siguiente historia:

Fontevecchia: de Golpista a demócrata

Como siempre no tenés forma de saber si es verdad o no (ya en el límite con la filosofía) pero por lo menos es más corto y entretenido de leer.

Seguramente la vredad esté en el medió, como decían los antiguos Griegos (no los Turcos que hay ahora en Grecia), o la otra versión más criolla "los boludos mienten por igual".

Monday, September 28, 2009

Distintos softwares Open Source de DNS que no han tenido problemas de seguridad como Nominum.

Distintos softwares Open Source de DNS que no han tenido problemas de seguridad como Nominum.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Han vuelto a jugar Karpov-Kasparov

Cuando jugaron por el campeonato mundial, yo tenia 9 años y me fascinaba el ajedrez. Mi preferido era Karpov, sin entender mucho por que. Luego de entender más del juego me dí cuenta de la monstruosa superioridad de Kasparov y lo empecé a respetar.
Ya ahora con 34 años vuelvo a preferir a Karpov antes que a Kasparov ya que siempre me dio la sensación que se dejo perder contra la computadora por plata.
Además estudiando un poco el juego de Karpov, de viejo me gusta más el juego cerrado donde vences al contrario sin que este se de cuenta donde se equivoco.
Esa dualidad de juego abierto de Kasparov y cerrado de Karpov la mantengo en mi juego, abriendo siempre de Dama jugando de blancas y siempre Siciliana con negras.

En fin, locuras de cada uno.
Sobre la idea de "Connecting de Dots" de Steve Jobs, en la historia de Ricahrd Feynman de wikipedia ( ) dice lo siguiente:

"During a temporary depression following the destruction of Hiroshima by the bomb produced by the Manhattan Project, he focused on complex physics problems, not for utility, but for self-satisfaction. One of these was analyzing the physics of a twirling, nutating dish as it is moving through the air. His work during this period, which used equations of rotation to express various spinning speeds, would soon prove important to his Nobel Prize winning work."

Connecting the Dots funciona, aunque primero tenes que plantar muchos Dots.
Una linda forma de manejar versionamiento de documentos online:

Slashdot is hardly the right venue to get a good answer to this question (how the hell did it end up in the Hardware category?), but I've dealt with this a zillion times, so I'll give a pointer to what is very likely the correct answer: optimistic locking [].

Hard locks are probably not what you want in a stateless web app. (E.g. What happens if someone locks a record and then is hit by a bus?) Instead, here's how it works:

1. User X fetches version 1 of Record A.
2. User Y fetches version 1 of Record A.
3. User X modifies her copy of Record A and attempts to save the change.
4. System checks whether incoming version (1) matches database version (1). It does, so the save proceeds and the version number on the record is updated to 2.
5. User Y modifies his copy of Record A and attempts to save the change.
6. System checks whether incoming version (1) matches database version (2). It does not, so User Y is notified that he cannot save his changes.
7. User Y fetches version 2 of Record A and tries again.

This is also known in the vernacular as "second save loses". It may sound too harsh, but it is much better than "first save loses and user isn't notified", which is what you get if you have no currency checking at all. And it's also much more web friendly that your old desktop app (which uses an approach that is technically called "pessimistic locking").
"We all assume the worst the best we can." - Iron & Wine

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Otra linda prueba que el sistema de salud gringo esta muy mal. Los gringos compran saliva de africanos que tienen tuberculosis para así conseguir cobertura médica gratuita.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Claramente, los autos tienen que tener el motor central atras del conductor.

Por eso el Cayman se porta tanto mejor que el 911.

Ya para la elite del mundo, diversion al por mayor con la 458
Fijense que linda salida de una curva hace la 458 amarilla que dobla cruzada sin agarre pleno. Mucha envidia.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Miren como este barquito pasa a los 29er como parados.

Nuevo juguetito del dueño de ORACLE

Friday, September 04, 2009

Al menos para el caso de Apple, en 1997, cuando perdía plata a lo pabote, la mejor solución fue focalizarse donde estaba su segmento más rentable y evitar la diversificación.
Raking de sistemas de salud

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Para que se invento Internet ?!?!

Lo terrible es que llegue a ese link siguiendo un transcript de una
charla de Paul Krugman (Nobel de Economia) con Charlie Stross (escritor de ciencia ficcion que gano el premio Hugo).... gente grande y seria con estas
Como escribía Borges: "Sospecho que la especie humana -la única- está por extinguirse y que la Biblioteca perdurará: iluminada, solitaria, infinita, perfectamente inmóvil, armada de volúmenes preciosos, inútil, incorruptible, secreta (...) Mi soledad se alegra con esa elegante esperanza."

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

An MBA is like a pilot's license where they only trained you to fly into the ground. With your grade being based on how quickly you can get to the ground.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Einstein refused surgery, saying: "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."
"I have been the whole day ... occupied with thinking. It was of no use. The better plan is to learn."
Life is a series of tests, suicide is cheating on the final exam.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Realmente se nota mas que el unico valor tangible de las operadoras de celular es el derecho de uso del espectro radioelectrico.
Cada vez se necesita menos inversion para armar una red GSM.
Parece que el numero 1 de Boeing se fue a tiempo a Ford. Nuevamente retrasos con el 787.

Hay que tener ganas de volar en este avion. El primero con el fuselaje de fibra. Poca experiencia de fatiga de materiales para mi gusto.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Le tocaron, como a todos los hombres, malos tiempos en que vivir. JLB.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Para conseguir ofertas de alojamiento para vacaciones

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sobre un mundo basado en recursos, en lugar de basado en dinero.

Viendo la parte 2 de Zeitgeist (que me parecio mas aburrida que la pat 1, dicho sea de paso) me quede con una sola idea importante: El concepto de pasar de un mundo basado en dinero a uno basado en recursos.

Esto lo plantea un par de locos del llamado Proyecto Venus

Hasta aquí nada demasiado relevante. Lo que si me gusto mucho, es un ejemplo que da este señor donde dice "At the beginning of World War II, the U.S. had about 600 first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short-supply by turning out over 90,000 planes per year. The question at the start of World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was No, we did not have enough money or gold, but we did have more than enough resources."

Por otro lado, mi hermano me regalo un libro llamado "Tiempos Líquidos" de un tal ZYGMUNT BAUMAN. Si bien aun no lo leí, casualmente me crucé con una entrevista a esta persona en la revista ñ

Lo interesante que plantea este señor al final de la entrevista es que este modelo capitalista actual de modelo basado en prestamos ha demostrado una gran falla en la actual crisis, y lo que más lo preocupa a este señor es que en lugar de modificarlo para evitar que vuelva a suceder otra crisis como esa, se esta optando por ponerlo nuevamente en funcionamiento regalandole plata a los bancos para que la rueda vuelva a girar. El motor se rompió por un mal diseño, y en lugar de corregir el diseño se repara el mismo modelo. Al menos eso es lo que entendí de la entrevista de Bauman.

Ahora, juntando los dos conceptos (el de la producción de aviones en la segunda guerra mundial con el regalarle plata a los bancos para salvarlos) me da la sensación de que la forma correcta de migrar con la menor disrrupción posible de un mundo basado en dinero a uno basado en recursos (que al día de hoy parecieran ser más que suficientes para alimentar a todos los habitantes) es controladamente, empezar a emitir para salvar a los bancos y generar puestos de trabajo. Como dijo Paul Samuelson, si bien tiene que existir un prestamista de última instancia, también tiene que existir un consumidor de última instancia.

Si conseguimos que los gobiernos emitan dinero constantemente a una tasa que deje la inflación a menos del 10% anual, se puede usar esa plata para darle trabajo a todas las personas y garantizarles así el acceso a los recursos (que al día de hoy parecen ser suficientes) necesarios para una vida "feliz". De esta forma se logra un comienzo de asistencia, dejando intacto el premio al esfuerzo del modelo capitalista.

Como corolario de lo anterior, si se emite a un ritmo que genera 10% de inflación anual, el ahorro en dinero deja ser atractivo, forzando a migrar a un ahorro en bienes de producción. No sirve ahorra en bienes en sí mismo, porque al mantener un aumento del nivel de producción los bienes pierden valor constantemente, al menos que sean de colección. De hecho inclusive invertir en maquinas de producción debe hacerse con un ROI en mente que permita ganar dinero antes de que la maquina quede obsoleta.

Como alternativa extrema, me parece mejor invertir en un fideicomiso de producción agropecuaria que sea dueño de sus tierras, ya que estas son lo único no reemplazable por nuevas y mejoradas versiones.

Para cerrar, no nos olvidemos que si bien los recursos que poseemos nos permiten producir todo lo que queramos en cuanto a cantidad, en único recurso sobre el que no tenemos control es el tiempo, y que necesariamente transforma en escasos otros recursos.
Para ver comics que se bajan por la web
Algo distinto encara la muy nueva editorial La Bestia Equilátera en su colección Jataka de cuentos budistas para lectores a partir de los 8 años. "En realidad -acepta Javiera Gutiérrez, su editora-, esa edad es el punto de partida, porque nuestra intención es que sea un libro para toda la vida. El toro amable, por ejemplo, que tiene como protagonista a Buda, quizá sólo termine de entenderse a una edad muy avanzada, pero siempre le está contando algo a su lector, cualquiera sea su edad."

En el caso de Arte a Babor, una muy joven editorial que crece bajo el ala protectora del programa Incuba del Centro Metropolitano de Diseño del gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, su directora, la arquitecta y diseñadora gráfica Silvia Sirkis, busca aunar texto e imagen para "descubrir el arte desde chicos". Con bocas de expendio novedosas (las jugueterías didácticas), Silvia ha logrado despertar el entusiasmo de padres e hijos agradecidos, que le mandan mails con devoluciones acerca de sus textos que proponen misterios (El misterio de la bailarina, un robo en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes) o una biografía de un pintor famoso, desde su niñez (A Benito le gustan los barcos, sobre Quinquela Martín, con ilustraciones de Tomi Hadida). "En Buenos Aires hay un gran movimiento cultural y en arte, particularmente, hay una gran creatividad dirigida a los adultos, pero no hay arte para chicos y mucho menos libros para chicos, que además busquen despertar el interés para después ir a ver la obra. La mirada local es muy importante, y la forma elegida, el cuento, es la que mejor permite este acercamiento."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Problemas de la Ford Ranger

Saturday, July 18, 2009

como hacer un respaldo de cama

Friday, June 12, 2009

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Deseos de chicos de las Villa 21 de Barracas...
- Una fabrica para que pueda trabajar mi papa
- Mas comida
- Una torta de cumpleaños porque el año pasado no me lo pudieron festejar
- Una Flor porque vivo cerca del Ruachielo y no me gusta el olor.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How to use JAVA for HPC
MacBook Air at almost half price
When VMware Performance Fails, Try BSD Jails

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Banco de Drogas de
Capital PASEO COLON 568
FUND ALE U Uriburu 1450 - T.E.. 4807-1313.
La asistente se llama Gabriela Dr. Milone Director de la Fundación

Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo: Quintana 2645. Olivos.
Proveen medicamentos oncológicos; días de atención lunes, miércoles y viernes de 9,30 a 12,30, Tel.4790-2043.

FUNDACION FLEXER tel. 011-4825-5333
La Fundacion Natali Flexer ubicada en Mansilla 3125 Capital Federal, ayuda a la familia y al niño enfermo de cancer. Muy buena gente, dan apoyo psicológico, orientación legal por el tema de coberturas medicas, remedios, viáticos, salidas para los niños.. Tel: 4825-5333
mail: comoayudar@fundacio

La Fundación Oncológica Encuentro provee gratuitamente Tamoxifeno a enfermas de cáncer de mama carenciadas.

Para ayudar dirigirse a Viamonte 2565, piso 4º B, Ciudad de Buenos Aires o comunicarse al tel/fax 4962-5108 o a
http://www.fundacio nencuentro.


Banco de drogas SRA.LIDIA 011-15-40247753
lidi023@yahoo. - apostar@dwebsa.
Los interesados comunicarse con Silvia al 4863-6785.


Parroquia San Carlos TEL: 4981-7752. Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves de 15:00 a17:30 hs.
Parroquia San Saturnino TEL: 4921-9483.

Con receta municipal Parroquias de la Vicaría de Flores,
4671-9295. calle Fernández 253

Emaus: entre otras cosas poseen una farmacia gratuita. Su sede legal esta en Sarandi 1139 (1222) Capital Federal.

Área Km. 21: Provincias Unidas 5995 (1765) Isidro
Área San Telmo, 4361-6394. Tel/Fax: 011-4625-0604..
Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo, 4790-2043.
MUTUAL SENTIMIENTO Farmacia de genéricos, con receta.
Precios muy económicos Disp. 167/02 Exp.1-2002-3541/ 02-0
Ministerio de Salud de la Nación
Federico Lacroze 4181 3er. Piso Capital Federal, Tel. 4554/5600


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Could history be repeating himself....

I believe it does, contrary to what the article says.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mi hermano de la luna...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Una version mas linda de leer que "the mithical men month"

Monday, March 16, 2009

No señora, no voy a subirme a su bajeza, tendré que dejarla en soledad en su miseria.
Mi hijo ira a otro colegio.
Sepa disculpar mi egoísmo.
Seguimos rodeados de estupidos que no pueden ver que tarde o temprano todos seremos descapacitados... el tiempo pasa para todos... sin excepcion.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sobre la muerte del capitalismo,

El comunismo muere porque algo que "es de todos" termina siendo de
nadie. El capitalismo muere por la misma razón.

Según Adam Smith el "interés legítimo del dueño" garantiza la
eficiencia del sistema. Hoy estamos ante la desaparición del "interés
legítimo del dueño" por la desaparición del dueño en si.

Las corporaciones son sociedades anónimas, siendo los principales
accionistas fondos comunes de inversión, los cuales a su vez no tienen
dueño sino un administrador. A los administradores solamente les
importa comprar acciones de las empresas que hagan los eventos en las
playas más bonitas. A los CEOs y CFOs solo les interesa "dibujar" los
números por un año y retirarse luego de cobrar un cuantioso bono.

Los procesos y las tecnologías modernas permiten lograr con
conglomerados de PYMES lo que antes solo lograban las grandes
corporaciones, pero ahora a un precio mucho menor, gracias al "interés
legítimo del dueño".

El futuro es de las PYMES.

Matías Alonso
Tigre, Buenos Aires.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Para encriptar lo mejor es usar Truecrypt segun Slashdot

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Software para Windows Mobile para ver videos

Player AAC audio built 66 para TCPMP

Friday, January 16, 2009

Software alternativo a iMovie o Windows Movie Maker